If you have been injured in a car accident in Nassau County or Suffolk County, it is important for you to have an experienced auto accident lawyer. The skilled attorneys at Kelly, Luglio & Arcuri, LLP have significant experience representing individuals who sustain injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents. Often our clients are unable to work after they are injured, and we are available to assist them in filing for no-fault benefits to ensure a steady stream of income to promptly compensate them to their lost earnings and mounting medical bills. In certain circumstances, our clients are also entitled to worker’s compensation benefits and social security disability to help offset their lost wages or income. It is important that you timely pursue all available benefits.
At Kelly, Luglio & Arcuri, LLP, we have also successfully represented people who have been involved in accidents with people who have no insurance (uninsured), or vehicles that are inadequately insured (underinsured). There are time constraints that limit the time within which you have to act, and thus you should promptly consult with an experienced lawyer. At Kelly, Luglio & Arcuri, LLP, we have the skill and experience to help you recover for your financial losses and pain & suffering even when the other driver has no (or limited) insurance.

Prosecuting a successful personal injury claim in New York does not begin in the courtroom. Police reports, photographs and witness statements are critical to achieving favorable results for our clients. If you believe that you may have sustained a serious injury as a result of a car accident, it is important to contact an attorney promptly in order that evidence can be collected while the incident is still fresh in the witnesses’ memories. For other tips on what you should do following a car accident, please review and print our Motor Vehicle Accident Checklist.

Kelly, Luglio & Arcuri will handle all motor vehicle accident claims on a contingent fee basis, which means that we do not collect any legal fees unless you receive compensation for your injuries.* Please contact us to schedule a free consultation to meet with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

  • Motor Vehicle Accident Checklist
  • Be sure police, ambulance and other emergency personnel are notified;
  • Make written notes of the license plates, makes, and models of all vehicles involved when you exchange license, registration and insurance information;
  • Write down the name, address and telephone number of witnesses, including all persons involved in the accident;
  • Observe and make notes about the road, weather, lighting conditions and the positions of the vehicles;
  • Do NOT offer, sign or make any written statements to anyone, including the police, about how the accident happened;
  • Obtain a copy of the police report and/or the accident report number;
  • Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible and seek other assistance;

REMEMBER: Even though the police prepare a report, they are not always given complete information. Often a helpful witness remains unidentified and cannot later be located. Follow the checklist above, be assertive, and obtain complete and accurate information.